The Descent The descent beckons the ascent beckoned. .............................Memory is a kind of accomplishment, .............a sort of renewal ............................ even an initiation, since the spaces it opens are new places .............inhabited by hordes .............................heretofore unrealized, of new kinds -- .............since their movements ........... are toward new objectives (even though formerly they were abandoned). No defeat is made up entirely of defeat -- since the world it opens is always a place ................formerly ............................unsuspected. A world lost, ................a world unsuspected, ............................beckons to new places and no whiteness (lost) is so white as the memory of whiteness.. . With evening, love wakens though its shadows ..........................which are alive by reason of the sun shining -- .............grow sleepy now and drop away .....from desire........ Love without shadows stirs now ...............beginning to awaken night advances. The descent ...............made up of despairs ............................and without accomplishment realizes a new awakening: ...........................which is a reversal of despair. .............. For what we cannot accomplish, what is denied to love, ...............what we have lost in the anticipation -- ............................a descent follows, endless and indestructible.............. |