Disco 1 |
Gertrude Stein

Americans point of view


Sinclair Lewis |
Address from the 1940 Writers´ Committee for Roosevelt Conference


Anita Loos |
Interview with Anita Loos


Raymond Chandler |
Playback Dr No


Eugene O´Neill

Extract from O´Neill´s "Long day journey into night"


Henry Miller |


Pearl Buck

Speech at the Gallaudet College


James Thurber |
Interview with James Thurber


F Scott Fitzgerald |
Shakespeare: Othello (extract)


Thornton Wilder |
Talk on Gertrude Stein and Emily Dickinson


Vladimir Nabokov

Summer review


Disco 2 |
John Steinbeck

Interview with John Steinbeck


Isaac Bashevis Singer

A story no-one else can tell


Lillian Hellman |
Omnibus: Lillian Hellman


James Michener |


Eudora Welty

A curtain of green


Tennessee Williams

Frankly speaking


Mary MacCarthy |


William S. Burroughs |
William S. Burroughs and the algebra of need


Disco 3 |
Ralph Ellison |
Interview with Ralph Ellison


Saul Bellow

The arts in Scotland


Arthur Miller |


Patricia Highsmith |


James Baldwin |
The world of books


William Styron |
Styron´s choice


Gore Vidal
| |


Toni Morrison

Interview with Toni Morrison

